The Computing Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (CC SAS) is the operator of the network information system of the Slovak Academy of Sciences called WEBSAV. WEBSAV enables mutual information interconnection of these institutions. As an open, fast information medium, it ensures the internal awareness of SAS employees, the awareness of cooperating organizations and the external awareness of the professional and lay public. With the help of WEBSAV, with the possibility of quick access to information, the promotion of SAS, scientific results of SAS, connection to international projects and activities is ensured.
CC SAS created the ELVYS system (Electronic annual report of the organization) in 2008, with the help of which the Annual Report of SAS organizations can be submitted electronically. Part of the ELVYS project is the use of completed data not only for the needs of Annual Reports, export to the employee’s personal card, but also for the management of SAV, which can be used for various statistical processing, from which there are modules with outputs according to their own criteria. In addition to ELVYS services, permanent hot-line services are provided by CC SAS employees.
The CC SAS offers services in the field of web design. Web design focuses on the creation of visually attractive and functional websites. We have experience in designing and developing different types of websites for different types of organizations. When creating websites, we focus on the needs and goals of the organization, and I try to create a clear and user-friendly web interface. In addition, we are able to provide support and maintenance of the website and its content.
The CC SAS Education Center was created with the aim of providing an environment and tools for the education of Computing Center workers and users of CC SAS services – both SAS employees and external organizations. Within its possibilities, the CC SAS educational center provides consulting-methodical and training services in the field of scientific and technical calculations, computer systems, software and computer networks, and organizes training and courses in the field of computing technology. Its role is also to promote the activities and services of CC SAS and to improve the quality of communication between users and CC SAS. Information about training can be found on this page ext.
As part of the scientific and popularization activities of the CC SAS, the Computer Museum presents historical computers developed or used mainly in the SAS and in cooperating organizations since 1956 in the context of the world development of computers.
The computer museum is used for the presentation of objects and documents related to the work of research, development, production and applications of information and communication technologies, including microelectronics, in Slovakia with the intention of pointing out the social usefulness of research, especially to stimulate the younger generation to activities in this area. The museum is founded on the basis of Art. XXII Academic symbols, SAS Statute, point 4.: The Academy documents its history and the history of science and collects works and objects related to it. It is the result of the acquisition, popularization and presentation activities of the Computer Museum, originally the Permanent Exhibition of the History of Computing in Slovakia, as an organizational unit of the SAS Joint Activities Center – SAS Computing Center since 2001.